Com'è fatto il nostro olio

VALMORE - Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva

In the south west coast of Sicily, located in the heart of Valle del Belice, all around the lands of Castelvetrano it was cultivated the olive tree since ancient times, even before the columns of Selinunte seventeenth century. B.C. A landscape that witnessed the archaeological splendor of civilization that knew how to tame nature, surroundings the outfall of the Belice river and beyond.

In base ad un parere di EFSA, Agenzia Europea per la Sicurezza Alimentare: "L'olio extravergine di oliva è un alimento che contiene naturalmente vitamina E (oppure: “fonte naturale di vitamina E”), riconosciuta proteggere le cellule del corpo umano dal danno ossidativo." "La sostituzione di grassi saturi con grassi monoinsaturi e polinsaturi contenuti nell'olio extravergine di oliva può aiutare a mantenere i normali livelli di colesterolo LDL nel sangue." "I polifenoli dell'olio di oliva possono combattere lo stress ossidativo” oppure: “hanno effetti antiossidanti”, oppure: “migliorano il metabolismo dei grassi”,” oppure: “proteggono la frazione LDL dal danno ossidativo ”

Our olive groves are located in Castelvetrano city, province of Trapani, at a distance of 6km from the sea in the south west coast of Sicily. The warm and temperate climate with long summers with a significant maximum of winter rainfall and low in summer, with averages annual rainfall 500 mm and an average temperature of 17.2 ° C. According to USDA Soil Taxonomy - Xeric humidity regimes.

According to the climate of the whole season, several factors have contributed to the olive trees phenological performance. Every year has its own history. We evaluate when is the best time to harvest olives. Hand picked in wood baskets and kept in cool place in perforated boxes of 21 kg, olives are sent in to the oil mill the same day. MOLITURA / MILLING Starting from quality fruits and left the farm, olives arrives to be pressed within 12 hours from the piking. The facility were they are weighed, defoliated, washed with fresh water, grinded, and milled under 28°C for less than 30 minute than grinded to separate Oilive oil, water of vegetation and pomace.

Olive oil so extracted is pumped in silos of 316L stainless steel AISI under a nitrogen atmosphere at rest and decanted in other clean silos or filtered to maintain even longer its organoleptic properties before being packed on commission for the customers.

The experience of extra virgin olive oil extraction in this area reaches excellence recognized worldwide. We believe that selection of fruits, washing and cold extraction is an essential must do for higher quality productions. Oils selected by Valmore are stored in stainless steel silos, high food standards, at controlled temperature and nitrogen blanket to preserve its freshness. By doing so we would like to obtain its unique flavor, oils that do not change over time. With the love for centuries of history, tradition and culture of Sicily.

Nicolò Asta, founder/ceo